The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board is accepting a second wave of applications for new marijuana retail licenses. Gone are the quotas and lotteries used in the first round of licensing. Now there are no limits on the number of licenses that may be granted – a change that took some cities by surprise. [...]
November 10, 2015 admin applications for i 502 retailer, Cannabis Seminars, Education for I502 in Seattle, how to get I 502 licenses, I 502 license for retailers, I 502 licensing for retail, i 502 retailer applications, I 502 Retailer License, I 502 Retailer License in Washington, i 502 retailer permits, license for retail I 502, licensing for retail I 502, Marijuana Business Seminar, Retail License Application Process, Retail License Application Schedule, retail license for I 502, retail license for I 502 in Seattle
Cannabis business seminar Heard of a Cannabis business seminar? To be able to do anything within the cannabis industry, it is important that you are licensed. But how do you go about acquiring the necessary licences and permits? Is it easy to obtain licenses to start a cannabis business? While the cannabis industry is [...]