JUNE 29 & 30, 2013 Washington Cannabis Institute along with attorney David Kerr and other industry professionals will be hosting a live seminar on starting a business in the cannabis industry in Washington State. Some of the guest speakers include Marijuana licensing and regulation manager from Washington Liquor Control Board. COST – $300.00 per person.
DAY 1: Starting a cannabis business.
We will cover marijuana business basics as well as advanced business.
Choosing the correct corporate structure for the I-502 commercial business.
The difference between medical marijuana business and I-502 marijuana business.
Marijuana business permits and other marijuana business paper work needed.
Where is the best location to open your business.
Institute a strategy to scale up your collective garden to a larger I-502 commercial operation.
- I 502 retail license, I 502 producer license, I 502 processor license.
Paying taxes.
Banking solutions for the cannabis industry.
General liability insurance to cover your business and crop.
Merchant account services for your business.
Industry referrals and contacts.
Packaging requirements.
Advertising strategies.
How much money will be needed to start a marijuana business.
Who will be teaching the seminar?
Cannabis tax attorney.
- Washington Liquor Control Board.
Cannabis business law attorney.
Cannabis Testing lab.
Cannabis Insurance agents.
Cannabis real estate agents.
And other industry professionals.
- Get started and produce your own cannabis.
- Learn to grow indoors, outdoors and hydroponics.
- Instructions for watering, lighting, ventilation, cycles.
- Equipment that will be needed.
- Learn how to grow Indoor and outdoor, as well as hydroponic.
- Detailed instructions on pest control, smell abatement, security, pH balance, and drying/curing.
- Confections
- Cheesecakes
- Salad Dressings and Drinks.
- Concentrates
- Extracts
- Packaging
- And food safety.
- First opportunity to meet and greet with others in the industry.
- Exchange contact information to begin partnerships.
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