Marijuana Workshop: JULY 12 & 13, 2014 in SEATAC Starting a business in the cannabis industry in Washington. If you went through the interview or are waiting for the interview, our attorneys and industry professionals will go over all the requirements of the LCB. Our attorney will go over what exactly goes into a [...]
May 20, 2014 admin I 502 requirements, i 502 requirements for business in seattle, i 502 retailer applications, I 502 Retailer License, I 502 Retailer License in Washington, i 502 retailer permits, I 502 Rules, I 502 Seminars, I502 law, I502 license requirements., i502 operating plan, I502 rules, Marijuana Workshop, Marijuana Workshops, operating plan, operating plan for processor, operating plan for producer, Operating plan for retail, operational plan Washington State University and private sector audit firm to produce ordered lists of applicants OLYMPIA – The Washington State Liquor Control Board (WSLCB) today approved staff’s recommendation for a lottery that will select the apparent successful applicants for marijuana retail licenses. The independent, double-blind process will take place April 21-25, 2014, and will produce an [...]